Stories From The Field

One Month in Zambia-by Catherine Magill

One month can be an infinite amount of time in a garden. In one month, gorgeous green plants can disappear from the face of the earth. They can wither from lack of water, be obliterated by insect attacks, be mortally wounded by neglect of all kinds. However, one month also happens to be enough time for plants to quadruple in size, to go from flowerless to exploding with fruit, to overflow the boundaries of their beds, and to fill buckets

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Board Growth

As DIG prepares for it’s annual Board retreat in a few weeks we are excited to welcome two new members to the team. Bill Westwood and Beth Pann have been passionate supporters of DIG for many years now. Bill has even made the trek to visit our first sites planted in Senegal.      You can visit this link to read more about DIG’s Board of Directors

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Zambia’s First Major Harvest

DIG’s Program Manager in Zambia, Catherine Magill has been a busy bee in the gardens. First harvests are coming in as the rainy season continues to bless the country with a long awaited drink. With a laugh and a curious attitude, participants are trying zucchini for the first time. They like it and sweet veggies are now disappearing off the vine.   Railway’s morning harvest zucchini and patty pans As Catherine awaits the arrival of her new volunteer, Sarah Sahlaney

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DIGging has begun in Zambia

Under a toasty sky, members of the Kafue District Hospital ART support group gathered on October 12th to begin breaking up the hard earth and imbuing new life into their vegetable garden. The previous year, completely on their own initiative, without support from any outside organization, the group had prepared a large piece of land for growing local vegetables as an income-generating project. They had a vision for strengthening their group through developing a variety of activities at and around

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Zambian Beginnings

Welcome to Zambia!! We’re at five weeks and counting here. These days the sun is shining a bit more and the afternoons are slightly less chilly, and progress on beginning the gardens seems to be moving at about the same pace as the changes in the weather – slowly slowly.   While this seems to be par for the course in Africa, somehow I managed to forget that – I  arrived quite eager and energized to get started, get my

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A few words from Ann’s volunteer trip.

I have never met so many people who were truly present, not distracted by the rush of life as we so often are in cities.  I felt completely at home, every day, everywhere, even in the slums and in strange towns along the roads.  Perhaps that was because Nasur, our driver, was the kindest human being imaginable, and completely dedicated to taking care of us in his world; perhaps it was because our group was so compatible and so forgiving

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Plant Seeds That Reap Life

Plant Seeds That Reap Life

Your support will grow our capacity to equip uniquely marginalized families with the skills and experience to meet their own needs and improve their well-being through climate smart, nutrient-dense gardening. Help us plant the seeds. Consider a contribution today.
