DIG’s core program is adapted from the United Nations Food and Agriculture organization’s (UN, FAO) Farmer Field School approach. Rooting our trainings in nutrition sensitive and regenerative agriculture, we are able to prioritize uniquely vulnerable communities and build household resilience in their local food systems.
In Kenya, we use this experiential learning model to reach people living with physical disabilities, young mothers, people living with HIV, and elderly women.
“Learning while we worked made it so much easier for adults like me to learn.”
Clement participated in DIG’s cost share seed input support where farmers receive vegetable seeds and pay for half the cost.
Today, he says, “through DIG’s seed support and training program, my garden is flourishing and my family has enough nutritious food to eat.” He also notes with great satisfaction that “I have been able to pay school fees for my three children in secondary school at a cost of Ksh. 25,000 ($250), which I was able to raise from my sales of green peppers.
I am so grateful, because this would have not been possible without DIG’s support and the training I received.”
~ Clement Otieno Ochuodho and his wife Pamela both particiapted in DIG’s Farmer Field School Program in 2019